oiya ini dikasihtau sama master sini juga ya.. saya cuma bikin dokumentasi supaya bisa lebih enak buat yang cari info..

yang perlu diketahui adalah rktools merupakan sebuah software buat flashing.. terutama buat perangkat RK29 seperti tablet smapren yang kita gunakan..





SYARAT UTAMA adalah terdeteksi (Device RKAndroid detected) RKTools/RK29Update!



  1. ROM STOCK BATCH 2 (REKOMENDASI). Ambil disini: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnOfficial.Group.Smartfren.Andro.Tab.Skyworth.S7/doc/330201507064790/
  2. RKTools. Ambil disini: http://d-h.st/1jp (bahasa default spanyol, ganti ke english di file konfigurasi setting (Configuration Setting dibuka dengan NotePad). Hati-hati saat mengisi file folder img-nya)



  1. Ekstrak semua bahan: ROM Stock & RKTools
  2. Copy isi folder Image dari ekstrakan StokROM dan paste di folder img di RKTools
  3. Konek tablet sambil tekan vol-down, trus buka RK29Update hingga terdeteksi di RKTools (Device RKAndroid detected!)
  4. Di RK29Update, centang kolom-kolom berikut: Parameter; Misc; Kernel; Boot; Recovery; System
  5. Sesuaikan file-nya sama file StokROM Batch 2 yang sudah di copy ke folder img RKTools (Jangan sampai salah! Bisa-bisa jadi BRICK)
  6. Sebelum update, klik FORMAT dulu dan tunggu prosesnya sampai selesai
  7. Terakhir, klik UPDATE dan tunggu hingga prosesnya selesai. SFAT akan menyala sendiri dan akan melakukan boot yg lumayan lama +- 15 menit.


Kalo berhasil, maka SFAT anda sudah StokROM. Jika gagal, lanjutkan ke tutor dibawah:



Menyelamatkan SFAT dari BRICK || Indonesia


OPSI/KASUS 1: Brick dan masih bisa terdeteksi PC dan RK29Update (RKTools)

  • Flash ulang pake Stock ROM Batch 2 (ROM REKOMENDASI)


OPSI/KASUS2: Brick dan SFAT tidak terdeteksi di PC maupun RK29Update (RKTools)

  • Buka/Jalankan RK29Update.exe di dalam folder RKTools
  • Masuk ke bootloader: Saat mati (black screen/blank), tekan dan tahan tombol reset, lanjut vol-down + power bersamaan, skrg perhatikan RK29Update. Kalo udah terdeteksi (detected), lepas, jika belum terdeteksi, coba diulang lagi step ini.
  • Buka Device Manager di PC. Jika terdeteksi sbg Unknown Device, install ulang driver RKTools-nya (Saving bricked SFAT by Danielle Lumakeky)







MAIN REQUIREMENT is detected (Device RKAndroid detected) on RKTools/RK29Update!



  1. STOCK ROM BATCH 2 (RECOMMENDED). Get here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnOfficial.Group.Smartfren.Andro.Tab.Skyworth.S7/doc/330201507064790/
  2. RKTools. Get here: http://d-h.st/1jp (default language is Spain, change it to ENGLISH in the settings file (Configuration Setting open with NotePad). Becareful when you put files into RKTools’ img folder)



  1. Extract all materials (files): Stock ROM & RKTools
  2. Copy the files inside Image folder from StockROM Batch 2 and paste it into RKTools’ img folder
  3. Connect your tablet. Press volume-down, then open RK29Update and see if your device is detected on RKTools (Device RKAndroid detected!)
  4. In RK29Update, check on these columns: Parameter; Misc; Kernel; Boot; Recovery; System
  5. Match the files with the one you paste inside the RKTools img folder (Don’t get anything wrong! You can cause your device BRICK)
  6. Before update, click on FORMAT first and wait for the process to finish
  7. Last, click on UPDATE and wait the process to finish. Your device (SFAT) will reboot on its own and the boot will take a quite some time, about +- 15 minutes.


If you made it, then your SFAT is now using StockROM. If you fail, proceed to the next tutorial below:



Saving SFAT from BRICK || English


OPTION/CASE 1: Bricked and still detected on PC and RK29Update (RKTools)

  • Re-flash your device using Stock ROM Batch 2 (RECOMMENDED ROM)


OPTION/CASE 2: Bricked and not detected on PC and RK29Update (RKTools)

  • Open/Run RK29Update.exe inside RKTools folder
  • Get into bootloader: When device is off (black screen/blank), press and hold reset button, then press volume-down + power at the same time, now pay attention on RK29Update. If detected, release all the buttons; if not detected, try repeating this step again.
  • Open Device Manager on PC. If detected as Unknown Device, re-install RKTools’ driver. (Saving bricked SFAT by Danielle Lumakeky)




Kritik dan saran mohon disampaikan 🙂 || Criticism and suggestions are welcomed! 😀



Doc created by Tonosaur Rez

Customized by Agus Tubero

Last Edited (English Tuts ver) by Danielle Lumakeky